Archive for September, 2013

It’s been a long time, boys and girls.
I’ve kept some of you updated via Twitter and Facebook, but I figured if I’m going to start throwing this link around, I better get everyone all up to speed here.

I’m officially a published author.
Now, I haven’t signed any book deals, and I don’t have an agent, but I do have work that is widely available, both free and not free. I have an author page on So. That’s like, the coolest thing to happen to me in awhile.

Thanks to, the support of my friends and family, and the time provided to me by a broken foot over the summer, my first official publication happened a few weeks ago. I had my short story, “The Highway,” featured in The Sirens Call #10 – Monsters. The Sirens Call is a free bi-monthly ezine produced by the lovely ladies over at Sirens Call Publications. They’re almost always looking for new submissions, so go give them a look.

Publication #2 comes to us from the hands of one Mr. Chris Robertson, author of DEATH DREAMS Deluxe. A pet project horror anthology of Mr. Robertson’s, “Demonic Visions: 50 Horror Tales,” happens to feature a short story of mine titled “Black Gold.” It is currently available on, online in all ebook formats, and will shortly be availble in a print format. The authors are getting paid royalties for each sale, and are all excellent writers – throw us a bone, would ya?

I’d be lying if I said that my classes / professors here at Chadron haven;t been a tremendous help during all of this. “Black Gold,” my story featured in Demonic Visions, actually started as an exercise in my Creative Writing class taught by Dr. Evertson. I wouldn’t have this blog nor my Twitter page if not for Dr. Ellington.
And of course, I would be nothing without the support of my friends and family. Here’s to hoping that this is the beginning of a long writing career. Illustrious, I could do with or without. Profitable, hopefully, but not likely.
Awesome, all the time.

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